Monday, December 26, 2016

What is not connecting here?

“Hamilton” Creator Raises Money for Planned Parenthood, Calls Abortion Biz a “Beacon of Hope”

Is this true?

Perhaps you can help me. Some of what is going on in our country is puzzling to me.

The "Hamilton" cast is all black (Afro-American, if you will) isn't it?

Here's my quandry: The abortion industry was founded by Margaret Sanger who was a white supremacist that was intent on annihilating everyone of "color" and anyone who might not be "acceptable" in society.

I would expect the loudest outcry against abortion would come from people of "color". I would expect anyone who professes to be a Christian to cry out against this brutal destruction of human beings who are created in the image and likeness of God.

Perhaps you can help me.

Perhaps not.

I don't think I will ever understand such a delusion.

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