Monday, June 13, 2016

Deconstructionism - Reconstructionism

Orlando, Florida is in the news because of an Islamic Terrorist attack on American soil.

I know, I know, this is not a politically correct way of talking about what cut short the lives of 49 innocent people and wounded 53 more. Not to mention the trauma that those present and their families are experiencing. But the truth is the truth and it has been said that when you know the truth that the truth will set you free.

Truth sets you free to think clearly, accurately, and considerately. It allows you to understand what has taken place and what needs to be done to correct the problem, or problems, at hand.

Our administration's unwillingness, for the sake of, supposedly, political correctness, to name our enemy and deal with them is criminal. To suggest that guns in the hands of Citizens is the problem, that somehow, this attack was against the LBGT community, or any such nonsense is simply smoke and mirrors designed to cloud the real issue for the sake of a subversive agenda. Let's be clear: This was an Islamic Terrorist attack on American soil. this has been verified by the FBI investigation into the perpetrator. If you attack one of us, you have attacked all of us!

Many are extremely kind in their evaluation of why our President, and those working with him, are unwilling to use names like jihadist or Islamic terrorist. They suggest that he is naive, not in touch with reality, and such, when in fact, I believe, he is methodically, intentionally, and deceitfully doing all he can to destroy our great Nation. Together with the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamo fascists, Communists, and Socialists, he and the far left are working to bring America under the control of a dictator in perfect step with Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Seemingly simple things like common core in our schools seek to deprive our children of the ability to read and write cursive. "So What?" you may say. Our founding documents are all written in cursive is "so what". A generation that cannot read them will never be secured by them. Imagine a whole generation that cannot read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It's deconstructionism at its most basic level. The Ten Commandments are being removed from the halls of justice whose laws are based upon them and other biblical truths.

A citizenry who have guns in their possession are one of the greatest deterrents to dictatorial government take over that there is. No wonder that people like Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Elizabeth Warren are spinning every criminal act or act of terrorism into a gun problem. Can you really believe that taking guns away from the victims of criminals and terrorists is going to solve the problem of corruption and violence that is rampant in our nation today?

"Diversity" sounds like a wonderful thing doesn't it? We are a people of diverse backgrounds, gifts, talents, and perspectives. No doubt about it! It's wonderful that we are not all rubber stamps, clones of someone else. There is a beauty in diversity that we should embrace and enjoy. But, we are all Americans. We all should speak English, learn and respect the Constitution and the laws of the land. The government idea of diversity is to break us up into little groups so that we are not cohesive as a people; to isolate around nationality and language of origin. There is a natural tendency to that but it should never be a government driven mandate like we are seeing now. Our government should be finding ways to bring us together, to appreciate and celebrate our differences, but to bond us together as One Nation Under God. Groups should never have rights. Individuals are meant to have rights. Each individual has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When diversity is divisive it is a cancer to any society.

This nation was founded upon Christian principles. To destroy the foundation is to destroy the result. Christianity allows you to believe what you want while loving you enough to share the gospel with you. Islam, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Atheism don't want any religious expression that does not agree with their perspective. That, my friend, is not freedom. Freedom of speech, the sharing of opinions, concerns, perspectives, and ideas is critical to a free society. Safe zones where no disagreement is allowed is shallow and death dealing to any free people. We need to mature, yes, grow up, and learn to agree to disagree agreeably without letting our "feelings" rule us like undisciplined, spoiled children.

If you have read this. Thank you! If you have any comments, I would appreciate them.

I love America! I love people! I love freedom! I hope you do too.

Be careful who you vote for. Very few are who they say that they are. But, by all means, Vote!

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