Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trouble Makers or Problem Solvers?

Trouble Makers or Problem Solvers?

Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire; so is a contentious man to kindle strife. Proverbs 26:20-21 (KJV)

I'm sure that we all know people who have a knack for getting right to the root of a problem. They can come into a situation and almost immediately see how to fix what is wrong.

My wife, Sharon, is like that. There is a spiritual discerning and a gift of insight that work together in her life. Pastor Glenn Foster, a prophet, once told her, "You are God's plumber. You will go in and find the clog in the pipe and know exactly how to unclog it."

Then, there are others who seem to make a problem out of nothing and then offer themselves as the fixer of the problem. They, then, become the hero of the day and gain a certain amount of control. Perhaps you know someone like this. Unfortunately, many are manipulated (which is witchcraft) by subtle suggestions or passionate pleas for righting perceived wrongs or offenses. Heavy doses of guilt pour from such a one.

By innuendo the "contentious man" kindles strife. The Hebrew word for strife, reeb, means to cause controversy and contention which leads to strife. It means, a contest without real cause; a slanderer. It is simply a power play on the part of the contentious one.

The word, contentious, nirg n, comes from an unused root meaning, to roll to pieces. By constant innuendo, something that is good can be rolled to pieces until it looks like something broken, bad, evil or wicked.

Beloved, beware of such and put them out of your circle of influence until they can see their wicked way and repent. If you don't, they will tear up your relationships, destroy your church or organization and then wonder what went wrong while saying, "Trouble seems to always find me," and in pride saying, "or am I sent to trouble to fix it?" - Selah

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